Phase III reopening begins Wednesday

Phase III of the Stay Safe MN plan, including a gradual turn of the dial to allow cautious and safe re-opening of indoor dining, gyms, and entertainment venues begins Wednesday, June 10, 2020. Customers and employees will be either strongly recommended or required to wear masks and will be required to adhere to appropriate social distancing measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19.   Watch for a emails from MCPA with updates, links and guidance for law enforcement on the state's Covid-19 response.  Contact us at info@mnchiefs with questions and recommendations.

New Developments & Guidelines
MN meets 4/5 goals IACP: Traffic Stop Guidance Organized Sports Guidance UCLA: Domestic Violence & COVID

Business Reopening Guidance
Business Guidance What Can/Cannot Reopen Reopening FAQ Stay Safe order

COVID Cares Mental Health Support Services
COVID Cares Support MN Psychiatric Society Mental Health & COVID


  COVID -19 Data Sharing with Law Enforcement
Walz letter to MCPA FAQ for Law Enforcement MDH Protocol User Agreement - Directors


Personal Protective Equipment - PPE
LE Impact OSHA - N95 Fit Testing MN HSEM - PPE Donations Walz Announcements

State of Minnesota
All Executive Orders Minnesota POST Board DPS/BCA SEOC Daily Update

Private Sector Solutions
911eye - Emergency Streaming 911eye Tech Firm Donates Services Mutual Aid Contracts

Federal Government
CDC First Responder Guide FEMA FBI Resources Homeland Security  Update

Law Enforcement Procedures | Best Practices
Breathalizer Cleaning Breath Alcohol Test Memo HIPAA & Police Virus Exposure Decom

 IACP - Best Practices
Covid-19 & LE Police Chief Magazine May 2020 Suicide Prevention First Responder bill

Model Policies & Practices
Grand Rapids Pandemic Plan Personnel Exposure Plan Lexipol Nashville Chief Video